Thursday, February 11, 2010

V- Day or D-Day ?

So are you geared up for Valentine’s Day?

Yup folks! It’s that time of the year where everyone is so much under pressure, think of it like tax season for people in love.

What is about Valentine’s Day that makes it so taxing, I guess it means a lot of different things to different people but I guess most of them feel "stuck"

Imagine this, you are walking down the street and you bump in to someone you know, you hope they dont see you but god is always not that merciful, so you do what any normal person would do you say Hello! You start chatting up about things and suddenly they ask you

“So what are you doing for valentines day?”

And you freeze for a second and in that second your mind is trying to come up with something interesting to tell but you know that there’s a chance that you may not be able to convince the other person, You see in todays world you cannot afford to say "I dont give a crap about valentine's day" you have to be politicaly correct,so you decide to play it safe and say

“Probably Dinner at a fancy restaurant.”

Now if you think that was annoying imagine this, you bump into the person next week, what do you think they are going to ask you?

“So how was valentines day?”

You probably will have to recollect what you said to them in the first place. (Good Luck!)

Here is something you probably didn’t know

In ancient Rome, 13, 14 and 15 February were celebrated as Lupercalia, a pagan fertility festival. This seems to be the basis for a celebration of love on this date. It was marked in a subtly different way in those days, young men would strip naked and use goat- or dog-skin whips to spank the backsides of young women in order to improve their fertility; an early IVF, if you will. Now that’s the kind of party scene some wont mind checking out.

Valentines Day is also about gifts. The ever popular saying ‘better to give than receive’ all though no body really believes that but everyone knows you are supposed to get a gift for you significant other, (by the way have you got one?) People all over the world are overwhelmed with choices today from Roses to Rawcut Diamonds as gift ideas. People feel the pressure to buy the best cuz every year the expectations keep raising and as if that’s not enough you have every business in town trying to make extra buck by having all the special offers. Funny why on a ‘world peace day’ or an ‘aids awareness day’ I don’t seem to see any special offers ----- I guess valenties day is a much more important day than world peace or world aids day. remember guys the word is to spread love , dont remind people how sad their life could be.

Do you know that Valentines Day generates close to $14 billion dollars across US in retail sales and here we are talking how broke the economy is and how we are struggling to make ends meet.

Have you heard the “philosophy” by the smart ass single people? If you have not then grace yourself here it is “why celebrate valentines day just one day in a year? If you love someone you should celebrate it every day of the year” My guess is that it’s because of philosophy like that they are single. Everyone who has ever been in a relationship knows that if you try love someone 365 days you probably will end breaking up. Love is complicated folks, its not as easy as loving someone everyday. Sometimes you need a break and sometimes you need a day to tell them “I love you” so might well as make it February 14th.

So is it V-day or D-day for you? Here is everyday guy’s thought for the day “Have a happy valentines day! And get ready to bust some serious cash"

1 comment:

  1. Its not "true love" if you don't feel truly loving someone 365 days a year...Is it?
