Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Alone for the rest of my life

Have you ever asked this question in your life “Am I going to be alone for the rest of my Life?”

If the answer is yes, then you are probably one of the millions who inhabit this mortal world along with few other fortunate one who never had the need to ask such questions.

Let’s try and understand what being alone really means, I looked up Webster’s dictionary and this is what I found

Date: 13th century
1 separated from others: isolated
2 exclusive of anyone or anything else: only
3 considered without reference to any other
4 incomparable, unique

Surprised to find the word originated in the 13th century, Guess folks had this problem for centuries; guess one can find a little comfort in the fact that after all they are not really all “alone”. Let’s go through the list of synonyms that Webster is trying to teach us

Separated from others : Isolated – Unless you are Tom Hanks in the movie Cast Away I guess its safe for me to assume for most people its not the case.

Exclusive of anyone or anything else: Only – Lets face it if we are “exclusive” we really won’t be asking this question in the first place

Considered without reference to any other – Everyone is considered for something or reference to something for example “Don’t ever end up like that fellow”

Incomparable, unique – Everyone of us like to think we are unique but trust me we are not, if we are really unique among the billions we would be either Rich or Famous or Dead and in all such scenarios we would have never been alone

So if we go by the literary sense of the word “Alone” I guess we really are not alone but yet we still feel alone in life and are petrified beyond our worst nightmare about ending up here. If we have to get rid of this feeling we need to truly understand what we mean when we say we are “alone” I guess the common sense answer would be we don’t have someone special in our life.

If we really think about that we do have people in our life, its just that they are not special enough, so here is a everyday guy’s thought for the day “Its easier to take someone that you have in your life and make them special than trying to find someone new and hope they would turn out to be special” .

So stop for a moment and make a list of people you know in your life and see who can be made special and you would be surprised that the “someone” who you were looking for has been there all along.


  1. i could count many people who are quite special for me

  2. i d rather put it this way, i get connected to people coz i know they are special in some or the other way

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Pooja, You are probably one of those fortunate ones who will never have to ask this question
