Friday, February 12, 2010

Dog's Life

“It's been a hard day's night, and I've been working like a dog
It's been a hard day's night, I should be sleeping like a log
But when I get home to you I find the things that you do
Will make me feel alright”

That’s right folks, its The Beatles song. I love dogs! they bring a special joy to my heart which no human can quite replicate. Why do people love dogs so much and why are they a man’s best friend? I bet because they love you no matter what. It does not matter whether you are rich or poor, ugly or beautiful, sane or insane – they just love you for who you are. I wonder why it is difficult for humans to love someone the same way. I believe the answer is “ego”. You see dogs don’t have an ego and that’s why they love everyone so much, except for cats that is.

When someone says “I’ve been working like a dog” I really wonder what does that mean.

I haven’t seen a dog really work hard. Has anyone seen that?

Dog’s that I known of usually sleep where they want to , eat when they want to , bark (yell) at people whenever they feel like it and lick someone when they want to in short they have more freedom to do things then we do.

For example I can’t sleep where I want to, I can’t eat what I want (have to watch my diet), Can’t yell at my Boss or people I don’t like and certainly can’t lick someone all though there are times when I have wished I could. So I guess if we really think about it, A Dog’s life is great.

A dog’s world is pretty much a world like ours. They are territorial just like us - They have friends and plenty of mates (something most of us can’t say for ourselves). We have our pet dogs that get free food and shelter, then we have our goon dogs that run the streets they live in, the question is whose world is better. I have even heard of dogs that sleep on silk mattress, much better than the crummy old bed I sleep in.

Have you heard people saying it’s a “dog-eat-dog” world! Do dogs eat other dogs (equivalent to cannibalism in human context?). I don’t think dog really eat their kind, makes me wonder who came up with that phrase.

Sometimes when I had a stressful day at work or some problem I like looking at dogs, they are always happy and sleeping. They have very simple pleasures in life such as chasing after cats, chewing shoes, sniffing disgusting things and run after other dogs. They have no problems like mortgage payment, car loan, credit cad bills, taxes, and politics. They don’t even have to take a bath – Nobody judges them, even if they do they don’t care. Their prized possession is a piece of bone – How is that for wealth?

So here is everyday guy’s question to ponder on – Do you really think a dog’s life is hell? So the next time you see a dog remember this - he is not the one with a leash around his neck, It is us and the best part is we don’t even realize it until the day it starts choking us.

So the next time you see a dog smiling, you know exactly what he is thinking

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